056 Cycle Touring the USA - Part 1

(Leana) #1

Green Valley – Tucson

Departing our thorny campsite was late as Ernest first wanted to fix
the punctured tubes, and he was dreadfully slow at the best of times.
The good ol’ US of A is very much a police state, and we didn’t
escape our desert camp without a visit from the sheriff. Suspiciously,
he checked us out and enquired about our doings.

Afterwards, we rode the short distance to Tucson and, en route, had
our second run-in with the law, who kicked us off the highway.
Contrary to other places, we weren’t merely ordered off the highway
but were issued a written warning, which I considered over the top.
Still, this was America, after all, where just about everything was
over the top. LOL.

Once in the city, we located an RV park, amongst many trailer parks,
to pitch our tents. It wasn’t a myth: people indeed lived permanently
in trailer parks. The following day, we found a bicycle shop and tyre
liners (to prevent further punctures). Tucson (pronounced ‘Too saan’)
was a pleasant, cycle-friendly city sporting cycle lanes. Scooting
around town to find what was needed was an excellent way to see
the city. Tucson had a bustling city centre, a modern university
campus, a young vibe featuring many bars and cafes, and a pleasing
downtown offering plenty of interesting shops.

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