Ash Fork – Seligman - 44km
The following morning, the road headed further west along Route 66. Built in
1926, it stretches from Los Angeles to Chicago. Now nicknamed The Mother Road,
it was fun, kitschy, retro - call it whatever you like - and I loved it.
In the icy breeze, we finished the day’s ride in the small town of Seligman. Give
me a retro motel, a restaurant called The Road Kill Café, a bar playing music from
the sixties, and I’m staying put.
An exceedingly cold wind blew at 47 kilometres per hour the next day. Staying an
additional day was thus a no-brainer as well as a pleasure. Who would’ve thought
it would get this cold in Arizona? I thought it was more desert-like. It reminded me
never to assume anything in a new country!