056 Cycle Touring the USA - Part 1

(Leana) #1

Kingman – Chloride - 38km

The road out of Kingman ran over the Coyote Pass. Once over the high point, it
led straight into a biting wind. After grinding into this gusty breeze, we made a
diversion to inspect the old mining town of Chloride.

Chloride was once an area where more than 70 mines produced silver, lead,
zinc, turquoise, and gold. Today, Chloride is a bit of a ghost town, revealing
eccentric people and an ensemble of old buildings, including the jail and
Arizona’s oldest continuously operating post office. A room at the Sheps Miners
Inn (an old adobe-style miners living quarters) became home that night. It
allowed for exploring the remainder of the village at leisure.

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