Chloride – Lake Mead - 103km
The next day became another day of churning into the wind, past the small
settlement of Rosie’s Den and a burger joint where one could shoot a
machine gun while waiting for your burger order. I kid you not!
Once over the Householders Pass, the road descended to the Hoover Dam
and the Lake Mead Recreation Area, a vast area revealing stunning scenery.
The weather was significantly milder at the lake. The sun came out, and it
was possible to go sleeveless for the first time in a long while. We settled
for camping at Boulder Beach, a basic campsite along the lake. Regrettably,
by the time we slinked in, the camp was crowded. Searching for a spot,
Tom, a fellow camper from Alaska, kindly offered to share his site.
The camping area was lovely, albeit without showers. The following
morning’s ride took us along the Old Railway Trail to the Hoover Dam. The
dam, built in the 1930s, is a true masterpiece and, I’m sure, the largest
dam in the world.