056 Cycle Touring the USA - Part 1

(Leana) #1

Monterey – New Brighton State Beach - 88km

The road north ran past Aptos to Soquel, past strawberry fields and
fields of artichoke. I never knew how artichoke grew or that it had
many uses. Regrettably, bicycles weren’t allowed on the highway.
Instead, we took a minor route through farmlands, where vendors
sold fresh fruit and vegetables. We couldn’t resist and stocked up.

Shortly afterwards, the road spat us out at the marvellously located
New Brighton Beach Park atop cliffs high above the beach.

New Brighton Beach State Beach – Rossi RD - 59km
The next day the time was past 11h00 before we finally departed into
a frosty wind, past Santa Cruz and Davenport. My word, could this
wind blow! I nearly got blown off the bicycle before taking a side road
to follow a smaller path.

This diversion turned out surprisingly scenic as the trail led past
farms and up a steep hill, through dense forest and giant redwood
trees, until eventually meeting up with the main road. Still, we
battled into what felt like a gale and finally pulled into Rossi RD to set
up camp. Unfortunately, the dreadful weather persisted throughout
the night.

Rossi RD – Half Moon Bay - 44km

Trying to get going earlier to escape the horrendous weather, was to
no avail as the day, again, was marred by a wind that blew us all over
the place. It took hanging on for dear life to the handlebars not to get
blown off the road.

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