064 Cycle Touring Jamaica

(Leana) #1

Kingston – Milk River Spa - 88 km

Instead of taking the main road, I opted for the seldom-travelled
coastal route. But, again, the comments and looks I received along
the way indicated that not merely was this a less visited area, but a
white woman on a bicycle was a rarity.

Milk River, a tiny community sporting a few churches and a large
school, signalled the end of the day’s ride. A sign indicated a hotel
and spa and “The No 1 hotel in the world”. Judging by the condition
of the signs, I didn’t expect much, but I still investigated.

The hotel was intriguing. It featured a few private baths in an old
wooden building offering comfortable but sparsely decorated rooms
along a creaky veranda. It was rumoured the water provided a cure
for numerous ailments and I wasted no time submerging myself. The
room rate included dinner and breakfast, something I was happy
about as I was ravenous. Being the sole guest, I was treated like

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