065 Cycle Touring Cuba

(Leana) #1

Valadero – Playa Hermosa - 120 km

To my dismay, I emerged, not to the tip-tip of raindrops upon the
roof, but rain streaming down, resembling a tap left open. Loading up
was with more care than usual, making sure all my belongings would
make it through yet one more rainy day. Thank goodness, the rain
eased when I reached the corner shop to have a coffee and the (by
then) ever-familiar toasted cheese sandwich.

A tailwind made riding a pleasure, and I caught up to two cyclists
from the Netherlands holidaying in Cuba. This was only their second
day of riding, and they were taking it easy. We chatted as we
pedalled along and, as they were heading to Playas del Este, I
followed suit. Then, in the dying moments of the day, it started
spitting, and I was happy to call it a day.

Villa Playa Hermosa wasn’t much of a villa but was cheap at CUC13
per person. My room had no hot water, and the TV didn’t work. As the
place was popular with people from Habana, the music was going ten
to a dozen and guests were already far into the rum by the time I

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