065 Cycle Touring Cuba

(Leana) #1

About Cuba (Please refer to your favourite travel guidebook or the internet for a more
in-depth overview)

Capital City

Havana is the capital city and commercial centre of Cuba and is
referred to as La Habana.


Cuba has two currencies: CUC (1 CUC = 1 US$) and pesos (Moneda
Nacional MN) (1 CUC = 25 pesos). Tourists are mostly quoted in CUC.


Spanish or Cuban Spanish, also referred to as Cubano, is the official
language in Cuba.


Christianity is the primary religion in Cuba.

Location and size

Cuba is located on the northern rim of the Caribbean Sea, 160 km
from Florida, USA, across the Straits of Florida and about 400 km
north of Jamaica. The island measures 110,860 sq km and extends
1223 km east to west and 89 km, north to south.


The current population of Cuba is 11,400,000, and the population
density is 106 per sq km.

Internet coverage

Internet services and local sim cards are available and provided by
the state telecom company ETECSA. The best connections are at
hotels and resorts.

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