Medieval France. An Encyclopedia
The elevation, vaulting, and architectural details show the influence of Cluny. The plan features a nave of seven bays flanked b ...
Auvergnat castellan families swelled the archives of houses like Brioude and Sauxillanges. Continuous wars between castellan gro ...
AUXERRE . Situated on the left bank of the Yonne, medieval Auxerre (Yonne) grew from the Roman Autessiodurum, founded on the sit ...
beyond the east end. Royal patronage financed much of the early construction. Conrad, uncle of Charles II the Bald, ordered a wa ...
AVENAS . Located on the Roman road from Lyon to Autun, Avenas in Beaujolais is the site of a 12th-century church whose Romanesqu ...
had married Aleid of Holland, sister of Count William II, which formed the basis for the dynastic union of Holland, Zeeland, and ...
cially by the enormous papal palace. The bridge of Saint-Bénézet, celebrated in song, was constructed between 1177 and 1185, reb ...
Besides the ornamental sculpture of Notre-Dame-des-Doms, there is the Episcopal Throne in the nave and fine marble capitals from ...
Clement died at Carpentras in 1314; a long conclave, dominated by French cardinals, finally named Jacques Duèze, who reigned as ...
Bavaria and used antipapal legislation to pressure the clergy into helping fund his campaigns. When Benedict died in 1342, the c ...
alliance, to renew its ties with the Angevins. Naples, however, fell into the incompetent hands of Joanna, granddaughter of Robe ...
CLAMANGES; OCKHAM, WILLIAM OF; PHILIP IV THE FAIR; TEMPLARS; URBAN V] Baluze, Étienne, ed. Vitae paparum avenionensium. 4 vols. ...
1422). On November 2, 1388, the cardinal of Laon proposed in the royal council that Charles dismiss the dukes and assume persona ...
AYMERI DE NARBONNE . An epic poem of 4,708 rhymed decasyllables from the early 13th century, Aymeri tells how Charlemagne, retur ...
B BADEFOL, SEGUIN DE (ca. 1331–1366). A soldier of fortune who became notorious as a captain of freelance troops (routiers) in t ...
BAILLI/BAILLIAGE . In medieval rural lordships, a familiar manorial officer known as the bailiff (Fr. bailli) often acted as man ...
lines. A typical eight-line strophe has one of the following rhyme schemes, sung to two melodic phrases: ab ab bc bC / ab ab cc ...
the arrière-ban (Lat. retrobannum), service owed the king from the feudal tenants of his direct vassals, and in the 14th century ...
From ca. 1260, the fairs developed the function of financial clearinghouse. Towns like Montpellier and Perpignan acted as interm ...
given by Philip the Good in 1454. Fortunate banqueters might be given something resembling a modern “Chinese” banquet or Swedish ...
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