Medieval France. An Encyclopedia
Marigny was a member of the petty nobility of Normandy. His father was a royal officer; his cousin Nicolas de Fréauville was the ...
generally more frugal government. The king, however, was emotionally unstable, and when he suffered an attack of mental illness ...
MARRIAGE, CLANDESTINE . According to medieval canon law, the heart of a valid marriage was consent, expressed in the oaths excha ...
monastery played an important role in early Christendom and was burned several times by invaders. The present building, construc ...
Kelly De Vries [See also: BOUCICAUT; RAIS, GILLES DE] Boutaric, Edgard. Institutions militaires de la France avant les armées pe ...
MARTIANUS CAPELLA (fl. first half of the 5th c.). Between 410 and 439, Martianus Capella wrote his De nuptiis Philologiae et Mer ...
cloak to a beggar, who the next night revealed himself in a dream as Christ. Martin was baptized soon after this episode, and at ...
The early life of Mary and her miraculous conception by Anna were frequent subjects for illuminations in late-medieval books of ...
the contributions helped rebuild the cathedral. The Latin text of the miracles from Chartres was versified in French by Jean le ...
The medieval church recognized five Marian feast days: Conception (December 8), Nativity (September 8), Annunciation (March 25), ...
Gautier de Coinci. Les miracles de Nostre Dame, ed.V.Frédéric Koenig. 4 vols. Geneva: Droz, 1955–70. Herman. De miraculis s. Mar ...
France in their texts. The intense devotion of the Domini cans and Franciscans to Mary led to greater standardization of texts a ...
made this identification possible; Mary of Bethany also anoints Jesus’s feet and wipes them with her hair when Jesus visits in h ...
MASS, CHANTS AND TEXTS . The Mass (Latin missa) was the term commonly used in the Middle Ages to designate the eucharistic sacri ...
Table 1. The Mass-Prayers, Readings, Chants Chants Prayers and readings Proper Ordinary^ Fore-Mass Introit Kyrie Gloria Collect ...
refrain structure. This group of chants associated with the readings were exceptional in that they accompanied no liturgical act ...
example, to Christmas, or to Masses where a bishop presided. The Sanctus, as in the early church, concluded the Preface, the int ...
project of textual revision and creation went hand in hand with a similar musical process. What remains a question of the most p ...
MASSELIN, JEAN (d. 1500). Cleric, lawyer, and historian. Masselin was a canon at the cathedral of Rouen, doctor of civil and can ...
——. Le breviari d’amor de Matfre Ermengaud, tome V (27252T-34597T), ed. Peter T.Ricketts. Leiden: Brill, 1976. Laske-Fix, Katja. ...
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