Medieval France. An Encyclopedia
ROBERT DE GRETHAM (fl. first half of the 13th c.). An English cleric, Robert de Gretham wrote two didactic works. The Corset is ...
chronology it remains an important source of Anglo-French history. Robert’s narratives are replete with accounts of the marvelou ...
ROBERT LE FORT (d. 866). Count of Anjou, Blois, Tours, Auxerre, and Nevers; the earliest known ancestor of the Capetians. First ...
ROBERT OF MELUN (d. 1167). Born in England, Robert studied in the schools of Paris. He succeeded Peter Abélard in the school at ...
[See also: BENEDICTINE ORDER; CISTERCIAN ORDER; CÎTEAUX] Bouton, Jean de la Croix, and Jean Baptiste Van Damme, eds. Les plus an ...
Amadour’s Crypt, below the basilica, and the funerary chapel of St. Michael, perched like a watchtower set into the cliff. In th ...
ROGATION DAYS . See LITURGICAL YEAR ROHAN . The small Breton community of Rohan (Morbihan) gave its name to a noble family that ...
Einhard’s picture, the last Merovingians did little that left any historical record. Childeric III, the final king of his line, ...
matter of editorial controversy), is preserved in one Anglo-Norman manuscript of the second half of the 12th century, Oxford, Bo ...
school exercise in rhetoric that focuses on Ganelon’s treason and the battle proper. The anonymous Occitan Ron-sasvals (1,802 li ...
Charles is summoned by the Archangel Gabriel, who is throughout the poem God’s messenger to the patriarchal figure of the empero ...
that Roland’s decision not to recall his uncle is caused by pride, by desmesure, the epic fault of failing to keep a proper sens ...
Menéndez Pidal, Ramón. La chanson de Roland et la tradition épique des Francs, trans. (from Spanish) by the author and I.-M.Cluz ...
N’en sont que trois materes a nul home vivant: De France et de Bretaigne et de Ronme la grant; Ne de ces trois materes n’i a nul ...
the very form of these stories, which were written to resemble historical chronicles. Above all, prose was the medium most suita ...
courtliness. The romance transforms the warrior hero of the chanson de geste into a bold but courtly knight, worthy of inspiring ...
the North, the zone septentrionale as defined by the French scholar Henri Focillon, who contrasted this northern Early Romanesqu ...
Perhaps even more surprising, because of its northern location, is Saint-Vorles at Châtillon-sur-Seine, between Dijon and Troyes ...
The so-called High Romanesque style resulted from the slow and idiosyncratic fusion of the two Early Romanesque traditions. To t ...
lier, the abbey church of Cluny II was vaulted throughout. Such churches reflected the wealth amassed and sometimes flaunted by ...
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