Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

of the reign of Charles VI, was bishop of Beauvais (1432–44) and Laon (1444–49) and
then archbishop of Reims (1449–73). He headed the papal commission that pronounced
the rehabilitation of Jeanne d’Arc in 1456 and produced a treatise on the duties of the
chancellor of France. His brother Guillaume (1401–1472) was a longtime chancellor of
France (1445–61 and 1465–72). Michel (b. 1409), served as bailli of Troyes; Jacques
(1410–1457) held positions in the Parlement de Paris and Chambre des Comptes, was
treasurer of the Sainte-Chapelle and archbishop of Reims (1444–49), and finished his
career as patriarch of Alexandria with administration of the bishoprics of Poitiers and
Richard C.Famiglietti
Juvénal des Ursins, Jean. Jean Juvénal des Ursins: écrits politiques, ed. Peter S.Lewis and A.-
M.Hayez. 2 vols. Paris: Klincksieck, 1979–86.
Batiffol, L. Jean Jouvenel, prévôt des marchands de la ville de Paris 1360–1431. Paris: Champion,
Lewis, Peter S. “La noblesse des Jouvenal des Ursins.” L’état et les aristocracies: France,
Angleterre, Écosse. Paris: Presses de l’École Normale Supérieure, 1989, pp. 79–101.
Little, Roger G. The Parlement of Poitiers: War, Government, and Politics in France 1418–36.
Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 1984.
Valois, Noel. “Note sur l’origine de la famille Juvenal des Ursins.” Mémoires de la Société
Nationale des Antiquaires de France 6th ser. 9(1900):77–88.

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