Prache, Anne. Saint-Remi de Reims: l’œuvre de Pierre de Celles et sa place dans l’architecture
gothique. Geneva: Droz, 1978.
Villes, Alain. “L’ancienne abbatiale Saint-Pierre d’Orbais.” Congrès archéologique (Champagne)
135 (1977):549–89.
. The 12th-century pilgrimage church of Notre-Dame at Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme) was
constructed in a single campaign out of grey volcanic rock and is distinguished by its
austerity and gravity. The church lies at the foot of a hill that constrains it on the west
side. As a result, the primary portal is on the south side of the church and the nave is
shorter than it should have been in proportion to the rest of the building. Crossed by a
transept, it has a semicircular chevet and an ambulatory with four radiating chapels and is
preceded by a narthex. Three diaphragm arches support a square cupola over the
crossing. A crypt extends beneath the sanctuary.
Orcival (Puy-de-Dôme), south flank,
12th century. Photograph courtesy of
Whitney S.Stoddard.
Almost every column in the church is crowned by a foliate capital. A noteworthy
exception depicts a usurer tormented by demons. The church houses a celebrated Virgin
reliquary in silver-gilt wood (12th c.).
Nina Rowe
Craplet, Bernard. Auvergne romane. La Pierre-qui-vire: Zodiaque, 1955.
Ranquet, Henri du. “Orcival.” Congrèsarchéologique(Clermont-Ferrand) 87(1924):384–405.
Medieval france: an encyclopedia 1288