Crozet, René. “Saint-Eutrope de Saintes,” “L’abbaye-aux-Dames de Saintes,” and “Ancienne
cathédrale Saint-Pierre à Saintes.” Congrès archéologique (La Rochelle) 114(1956):97–125.
Grenier, Albert. Manuel d’archéologie gallo-romaine. Paris: Picard, 1958, p. 650.
. Originally a small pilgrimage church housing the relics of St. Hippolytus (first
mentioned mid-6th c.), Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (Bouchesdu-Rhône), under its original
name, Notre-Dame-de-Radeau, became a priory of the Benedictine abbey at Montmajour
(1078). The high altar is dedicated to Mary Cleophas, the sister of the Virgin, and Mary
Salome, the mother of five Apostles. Tradition holds that these two Marys, along with
their maid Sarah, Mary Magdalene, St. Martha, and St. Lazarus landed at this spot ca.
A.D. 40, having fled from persecution in the Holy Land. A new
Saintes-Mairies-de-la-Mer (Bouches-
du-Rhône), 12th-century nave.
Photograph courtesy of Whitney
The Encyclopedia 1607