Anglo-Norman Alexander. See Roman de toute chevalerie
Anglo-Norman literature, 28, 29, 35–38, 53, 399, 422, 425, 460, 732
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 35, 388
Anglure, Ogier d’, 38
Angoulême, 7, 38–39, 820
Angoumois, 39–40
in art and literature, 339, 618, 800–1.
See also bestiary
domestic, 11, 40, 919
humanization of, 311, 312
hunting of, 466
in magic, 576
See also under specific animal
Anjou, 40–41, 41, 42, 117, 181, 271, 308, 389, 442, 452, 514, 861
Anjou, houses of, 42–43, 43, 141, 561
Annales (Flodoard de Reims), 353
Annales Bertiniani (Prudentius of Troyes, Hincmar of Reims), 451
Annales de Fulda, 451
Annales gestis Caroli magni
imperatoris (Poeta Saxo), 451
Annales Hannoniae, 973
Annales regni Francorum, 451
Annales Xantenses, 451
Anne of Beaujeu, 44, 63, 138, 204
Anne de Bourbonnois, 266
Anne de Bourgogne, 106
Anne of Brittany, 44, 149, 204, 368, 515
Anne of Kiev, 44, 441, 726
anno Domini, introduced as dating system, 620
Annonciade (order), 116, 140
Annunciation, 215, 557, 596, 597
Annunciation (Rogier van der Weyden), 945
anointing, 252.
See also coronation of kings
Anonymous 4, 44, 540, 720
Anonymous of Béthune, 45
Anseau de Garlande, 870
Ansegisel, 716
Anseïs de Carthage, 508
Anseïs de Metz, 562
Anselm of Bec, 45, 133, 517, 579, 597, 735, 736, 907
Anselm of Laon, 2, 46, 122, 386, 393, 397, 457, 723, 862, 874, 977, 978
Anselm of Lucca, 417
Anthinus, 605
Anthonello de Caserta, 247
Antichrist, 46–47, 339, 620
Anticlaudianus (Alain de Lille), 18, 113, 472, 544, 546
antidotes, 606
antifeminism, 32, 47–48, 223, 334, 878.
See also women
Antioch, 276, 278, 670, 672
Index 1878