antiphon, 48–49, 307, 340, 415, 578, 597, 599, 643, 677, 797
antiphonal psalmody, 298, 299
Antiphonary, 164
Antiphoner of Compiègne, 48, 677
Antiphoner of Hartker, 48
Antiquity, Romances of, 49–50, 110, 303, 451, 460, 811, 812, 948.
See also Roman de Thèbes;
Roman de Troie;
Roman d’Énéas
anti-Semitism, 50–51, 237, 449, 496, 497, 567, 620, 668, 728, 934, 942
Antonio d’Arezzo, 757
Anzy-le-Duc, 51, 258
apanage, 27, 51–52, 76, 85, 115, 138, 165, 199, 328–29, 568, 685, 731, 785, 827, 917, 945
apatheia, 180
Aphorismi (Hippocrates), 606
Apocalypse, 127, 244
Apocalypse tapestry, 52.
See also tapestry
Apocryphal literature, 52–53, 709
Apollinis eclipsatur/Zodiacum signis, 246, 316
Apollonius de Tyr, 53, 353
Apologia (Jean Petit), 391
Apologia ad Guillelmum (Bernard of Clairvaux), 112, 725
Apologia pauperum (Bonaventure), 134
apostolic life, 364, 971
apothecary, 605
Apparicion maistre Jehan de Meun (Honoré Bouvet), 141
apparitions, in magic, 577
appatis, 53
appeals, judicial, 533
appendariae, 291
apprentices, 322, 424
Apprise de nurture, 266
Apuleius, 576, 744
aqua vita, 120
Aquilon de Bavière, 366
Aquinas, Thomas, 53–54
Aristotelianism opposed by Henry of Ghent, 444
commentaries on Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, 768
condemnation of sodomites, 458
condemnation of work, 326, 449
contribution to development of philosophy, 735
controversy with Siger de Brabant, 60
De unitate intellectus contra Averroistas, 881
and doctrine of Immaculate Conception, 597
and feast of Corpus Christi, 504, 941
hagiographic traditions about, 436
hymns of, 469
influenced by Boethius, 133
influence of Dominicus Gundissalinus, 60
influence on John Duns Scotus, 308
influenced by Aristotle, 63
Index 1879