Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Ash Wednesday, 556
Aspramonte (Andrea da Barberino), 78
Aspremont, 77–78, 366, 507, 508
of John the Fearless, 154, 203, 466, 477, 500, 633
of Louis, duke of Orléans, 66, 250, 498, 500, 539, 564, 602, 685
of Sigibert, 370
of Thomas of Saint-Victor, 383
as treasonable offense, 925
assault, jurisdiction over, 94
assemblies, 78–79, 323–24.
See also under specific assemblies
asses, as pack animals, 40
Assises de Jérusalem, 732
Assize of Count Geoffrey, 148
Assumption of Mary, 52, 405, 596, 597, 854
Assumption of the Virgin, 52
astrolabe, 79, 546
astrology, 576, 577, 661, 684, 863, 864
Astronomer, The, 429, 451
astronomia, 642
astronomical and navigational instruments, 79, 390, 546
astronomical calendar. See calendars
astronomy, 546.
See also liberal arts
and Alain de Lille, 546
and Albert the Great, 863
and Aratus, 174
Arabic influence on, 59, 174, 377, 546
and astrology, 863
and astronomical calendar, 162–63
and astronomical clocks, 235
and Bernard Silvestris, 546
classification of, 313, 544, 863
in education, 546
and Fulbert of Chartres, 377
and Gerbert of Aurillac, 735, 861
in Image du Monde, 472
influence of Aristotle, 546
influence of Plato, 545, 546
influence of Ptolemy, 546
and Jehan des Murs, 494
and John of Sacrobosco, 546
Martianus Capella, 546
and Nicole Oresme, 684
in Roman de Sidrac, 880
and Thierry of Chartres, 546
Athasian Creed, 299
Athis, treaty of, 351
Athis et Prophilias, 79
atonement, theory of, 45
Atre périlleux, 388, 395

Index 1884
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