Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Baudouin IX, 99, 192, 348, 454, 492, 587
Baudouin d’Avesnes, 454
Baudouin de Condé, 99–100, 252, 333, 753
Baudouin de Sebourc, 100, 274, 525
Baudri of Bourgueil, 100, 392, 452, 457, 526, 527, 544, 584, 929
Bayeux, 100–2, 208, 364
Bayeux Tapestry, 102
Bayonne, 102
Bazas, 102
beans, 295
bear baiting, 501
Béarn, 102–3, 384
beast epics, 311–12
Béatrice de Bourgogne, 385
Béatrice of Ornacieux, 587
Béatrice de Provence, 199
Beatrijs of Nazareth, 985
Beatritz de Romans, 927
Béatrix de Laval, 234
Beaucaire, 103, 335, 520
Beaudous (Robert de Blois), 388, 803
Beaulieu-sur-Dordogne, 103, 551, 820
Beaumanoir, Philippe de Remi, sire de, 53, 103–4, 494, 532, 533, 796
Beaune, 104–5, 980
Beauneveu, André, 105, 498, 608
Beauvais, 105–6, 257, 259, 301, 364, 402, 890
Bec, monastery of, 45, 517, 862.
See also Anselm of Bec;
Lanfranc of Bec
Beccadelli, Antonio, 457
Becket, Thomas. See Thomas Becket
Bede, 249, 545, 546, 677, 793, 949
Bedford, John of Lancaster, Duke of, 106, 443, 464
Bedford Master, 106 , 498
beer, 119
Begga, daughter of Pepin I, 716
beghards, 230, 446, 447, 448
béguines, 106–7, 230, 393, 433, 436, 446–48, 484, 520, 588, 591, 659, 908
Bel Inconnu (Renaut de Beaujeu), 74, 794
Belle dame sans merci (Alain Chartier), 269, 445, 535, 773
Belle dame sans merci, Quarrel of the, 85, 773
Belle Helaine de Constantinople, 53, 104, 107, 579, 813, 973
Belles Heures, 498, 549
Belleville Breviary, 610, 769
bells, 107–8, 622
belts, 236, 238
Benedeit, 35, 108
Benedetto Caetani. See Boniface VIII
Benedicamus Domino, 640
Benedict XI, 88, 230
Benedict XII, 89, 896
Benedict XIII, 250, 391, 483, 564, 661, 664, 859

Index 1888
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