See also Clement V
Berzé-la-Ville, 117–18, 818
Besant de Dieu (Guillaume le Clerc), 430
Bestiaire (Philippe de Thaün), 35, 732, 948
Bestiaire d’amours (Richard de Fournival), 119, 799
Bestiaire d’amour rimé, 31, 119
Bestiaire divin (Guillaume le Clerc), 430
Bestiaire divin (Pierre de Beauvais), 737
bestiality, 457
bestiary, 118–19, 430, 587.
See also under specific titles
betrothal and marriage contracts, 119.
See also dowry;
Beuvon de Conmarchis (Adenet le Roi), 8
beverages, 119–20
Béziers, 20–22, 120–21, 271, 301, 365, 493, 518, 519, 520–21, 601, 659, 679, 874, 918, 925, 956
of Alcuin, 126–27, 907
allegorical interpretations of, 122, 127
Arsenal, 277
Augustinian interpretation of, 121
Christian interpretation of, 121–23
concordances to, 302, 462, 548
division of, 463, 894
Jewish interpretation of, 123–26
Latin, 126–27
moral applications of, 32, 127
Old Latin, 126
Paris, 127
and philosophy, 735
production and illumination of, 583
of Robert de Billyng, 769
of Stephen Harding, 227
of Theodulf of Orléans, 907
translations of, 121, 126, 127–28, 448, 547, 758, 971
versified by Peter of Riga, 128, 724
Vulgate, 126, 893, 907
See also biblical commentaries;
Bible (Hugues de Berzé), 462
Bible (Jean de Malkaraume), 127
Bible des sept estats du monde (Geoffroi de Paris), 127
Bible Guiot (Guiot de Provins), 431, 462
Bible historiale, 127, 498, 549
Bible historiale complétée, 127
Bible historiale figurée, 127
Bible moralisée, 127, 406
Bible Vaudoise, 294
biblical commentaries, 121–23
of Alcuin, 23, 734
of Alexander Neckham, 25
Index 1890