Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

of Ambrosius Autpertus, 29
of Andrew of Saint-Victor, 32
of Anselm of Laon, 46, 862
of Bonventure, 134
Christian, 121–23
of Claudius of Turin, 229
of Florus of Lyon, 354
of Giles of Rome, 394
and Glossa Ordinaria, 396
of Haimo of Auxerre, 437
of Heiric of Auxerre, 439
of Herbert of Bosham, 445
of Hugh of Saint-Victor, 461
of Hugues de Saint-Cher, 462
Jewish, 123–26
of David Kimchi, 125
of Joseph Kimchi, 125
of Léonin, 540
of Manegold of Lautenbach, 580
of Paschasius Radbertus, 709
of Peter of Poitiers, 724
of Peter the Chanter, 725
of Pierre Bersuire, 116
of Rabanus Maurus, 777
of Ralph of Laon, 779
of Rashbam, 124
of Rashi, 121, 238, 903, 933
of Remigius of Auxerre, 793
of Richard of Saint-Victor, 800
of Stephen Langton, 725, 894
of Thomas Aquinas, 53–54
of Thomas Gallus, 911
of Walafrid Strabo, 970
biblical plays, 320, 906
Biblionomia (Richard de Fournival), 799
Bien Advisé et Mal Advisé, 638
Binchois, Gilles, 128–29, 157, 248, 259, 306, 340
biography, 129–30, 451, 516, 930.
See also hagiography;
saints’ lives
Bisclavret (Marie de France), 515, 589
Black Death, 130, 230, 302, 323, 464, 607, 635, 729, 750, 752, 972
black plague. See Black Death
Black Prince. See Edward, the Black Prince
Black Virgin of Le Puy, 537, 854
Black Virgin of Rocamadour, 807, 854
Blancandin et l’Orgueilleuse d’Amour, 472
Blanche (wife of John of Gaunt), 517
Blanche (wife of Philip VI), 328
Blanche d’Artois, 201, 492, 728
Blanche of Castile, 27–28, 130–31, 139, 192, 406, 520, 559, 566, 567, 588, 712, 730
Blanche of France, 395

Index 1891
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