Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Blanche of Navarre, 192
Blason des faulses amours (Guillaume Alexis), 26
blasons, in heraldry, 68
Blasphémateurs, 638
blast furnaces, 622
Blaye Cycle, 30, 196
Blazon des héréiques (Pierre Gringore), 420
bliaut, 236, 237
blind, care for the, 458
Bliocadran, 718
Bloemard, Heilwic, 986
Blois, 131–32, 193
Blois-Champagne, House of, 193
Blondel de Nesle, 132, 931
bloodletting, 606
boars, 466
Bobbio Missal, 382
Boccaccio, 129, 185, 223, 268, 538, 547–548, 581, 757, 839, 922
Boeci, 132–33, 678, 920
on arithmetic, 545, 546, 642
and Bonaventure, 134
influence of, 112, 113 133, 210, 229, 390, 459, 484, 544, 615, 734, 735, 793, 861, 862
life of, 112
and music theory, 644, 646
Platonizing thought of, 579
translated by Simon de Freine, 37
translations of Aristotle, 63
translations of Euclid, 546
works of:
De arithmetica, 133
De consolatione Philosophiae, 133, 450, 488, 543, 576, 735, 744, 795, 920
De hebdomadibus, 229
De institutione arithmetica, 642
De institutione musica, 484, 642
De musica, 133, 546
De topicis differentiis, 545
De Trinitate, 229, 910
Opuscula sacra, 133, 393
Boeve de Haumtone, 37, 659
Bogomils, 182, 447, 448, 457, 722
Bohemund, 670, 672
boils, medical treatment for, 606
boisseau (measure of capacity), 974
bombard (musical instrument), 648
Bon enfant, 266
Bonaguil, 133
Bonaventure, 60, 133–34, 365, 436, 597, 602, 735, 768
Itinerarium mentis in Deum, 654, 735, 799
Boniface (saint), 175, 206, 299, 435, 528
Boniface VIII, 47, 134–35, 206, 230, 308, 314, 394, 473
and Philip IV, 88, 90, 135, 166, 382, 592, 668, 728, 937

Index 1892
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