Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

writings of:
Clericis laicos, 88, 135, 230, 231, 291, 728
Etsi de statu, 231
Liber sextus decretalium, 164, 231
Periculoso, 260
Unam sanctam, 135, 668
Boniface IX, 859
Bonne d’Armagnac, 66, 204, 801
Bonne de Luxembourg, 130, 201–2, 497–99, 571, 573
book collecting, 547.
See also libraries
Book of Hours, 135, 363, 407, 547, 555, 584, 750, 753, 854
Book of James, 52, 595
Book of Joseph the Zealot (Joseph ben Nathan Official), 125
Book of Sindbad, 878
book trade, 547, 581, 940
“books of homages,” 456
bordariae, 291
Bordeaux, 54, 135–37, 294, 301, 384, 980
Bordeaux, Treaty of, 135
border decorations, in illuminated manuscripts, 583, 691
Borlet, 247.
See also Trebol
Boscherville, 137
botany, 863
Bouchard I le Barbu, 634
Bouchet, Jean, 411
Boucicaut, 137.
See also Jean le Meingre I;
Jean le Meingre II
Boucicaut le Jeune, 185
Boucicaut Master, 137, 498
bougres, 457
Boulogne-sur-Mer, 137–38
Bourbon, 138–39, 641
Bourbonnais. See Bourbon
bourg, 139, 171, 244
bourgeoisie, 139
Bourges, 54, 115, 139–41, 242, 301, 402, 414, 455, 891, 892
bouteiller, 312
Bouvet, Honoré, 141–42, 223
Bouvines, Battle of, 142, 143, 168, 341, 348, 492, 499, 671
Boves, Treaty of, 732, 948
bows, 68.
See also archers and archery
Boylet, Coletta, 985–86
Bozon, Nicole, 38, 142, 739, 877
Brabant, 142–43, 560
Braine, 143–44
brass production, 549, 622
brassage, in currency, 281
Brassart, Johannes, 144, 306, 478

Index 1893
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