Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

bread, 144, 261, 295, 439, 604
Brétigny, Treaty of, 57, 144, 161, 200, 202, 210, 294, 464, 499, 510, 780, 825, 850
Breviaire de Philippe le Bel, 458
Breviari d’Amor (Matfre Ermengaud), 294, 317, 472, 601, 637
Breviarium (Jean Faure), 538
Breviary, 164, 553
bridges, 87, 923.
See also travel
Brienne, 144–45
brigand/brigandage, 145, 170, 186, 202, 203, 219, 448
Brignais, Battle of, 145–46, 186
Brioude, 146, 820
Briseida, 49
Britannici sermonis liber vetustissimus, 969
Brittany, 44, 146–50, 147, 149, 315, 486, 589
broadloom, 900, 904
bronze castings, 622
brooches, 236, 237, 558, 617–18
Brou, 150, 404
Bruges, 150–51, 269, 348, 350, 351, 352, 364, 398, 392, 563
Brumel, Antoine, 284
Brun de la Montagne, 151
Brunetto Latini, 118, 151, 312, 366, 580
Brunhilde, 152–53, 217, 236, 370, 616
Bruno, 153, 179, 631
Bruno of Cologne, 560, 563
Bruno of Toul, 417.
See also Leo IX
Brut (Wace), 35, 388, 389, 453, 589
bubonic plague, 130.
See also Black Death
buckles, 617
Bueil, 153
Bues d’Aigremont, 366
buissine (musical instrument), 647
Bulla fulminante (Philip the Chancellor), 252, 730
bullets, 622
Burchard d’Avesnes, 87, 348, 587
Bureau de La Rivière, 592
Burgundian chanson, 912
Burgundian chroniclers, 153–54
Burgundian Code, 975
Burgundian Romanesque style, 83
Burgundy, 154–57, 227, 286
court of, 128, 157, 513
dispute with Armagnacs, 498, 500, 564
dukes of, 296, 513, 730, 859
map of, 147
wines of, 980
Buridan, Jean, 735, 863
business. See contracts;

Index 1894
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