Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Cassiodorus, 83, 121, 126–27, 544–46, 595, 642
Castel, Jean, 180, 453
Castelain de Coucy, 812
castellan, 180–81, 336, 343, 666, 825, 869
castellan revolution, 460, 620
castellanies, 192, 666
Castelloza, 927
Castelnaudary, Battle of, 520
Castillon, Battle of, 466, 785
castle, 180, 181, 244, 343, 509, 551, 619, 869, 972
catalogues, library, 547
Catalonia, 181–82, 886
Categories (Aristotle), 63, 861
Cathars, 182–83, 659
and Albi, 20
attitudes toward commercial activities and usury, 520
burning of, 10, 448
conflict with bishops of France, 473
and counts of Toulouse, 913
and courtly love, 268
and downfall of Trencavel, 925
heresy of, 182, 357, 448, 520, 566, 940
and inquisitors, 357, 750
in Languedoc, 520
opposed by Dominicans, 474
preached against by Waldense, 971
rise of, 750
role of Innocent III in combating, 473
stigmatized as bougres, 457
structure of, 183
translations of Bible, 128
women’s activities among, 985
See also Albigensian Crusade
cathedra, 224
cathedral schools, 46, 59, 417, 439, 547, 644, 860–62
at Angers, 584, 861
at Auxerre, 85, 133, 462, 545, 735
at Chartres, 110, 210, 377, 393, 735, 744, 861
at Laon, 46, 386, 393, 460, 596, 861, 862
at Le Mans, 450
at Liège, 549, 861
at Lyon, 354
at Paris, 484, 603, 697, 861, 977
at Poitiers, 862
at Reims, 153, 190, 377, 386, 390, 459, 861, 862, 978
at Tournai, 422
at Tours, 113
Catherine of Alexandria (saint), 37
Catherine of France, 183, 443
Catherine of Siena, 90
Catherine de Thouars, 778–79
Cato, 294, 545

Index 1897
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