and Carolingian dynasty, 174
coronation of, 176, 198, 674
court of, 176, 198
court school of, 450
and creation of marches, 182, 197, 592
descendants of, 177, 197–98
and Divisio regnorum, 565
and Einhard, 316
Epistola de litteris colendis, 528
and Gregorian Sacramentary, 553
and importance of libraries, 547
and increase of Frankish control, 175
and manuscript production, 692
and missi dominici, 624–25
and office of chancellor, 194
role in chansons de geste, 91, 196, 507
and Roman liturgy, 299, 381
throne of, 853
Charlemagne (Girart d’Amiens), 395, 507
Charles (emperors)
Charles II the Bald, 83, 86, 146, 174, 177, 178 200–1, 321, 451, 562, 564–65, 570, 742, 970
Charles III the Fat, 178, 327
Charles IV, 376, 603
Charles (kings of France)
Charles Martel, 79, 175, 205–6, 224, 614, 716, 745, 765
Charles I. See Charlemagne
Charles III the Simple, 178, 327, 463, 668, 956
Charles IV the Fair, 201, 206, 314, 477
Charles V the Wise, 111, 138, 149, 201–2, 202–3, 223, 234, 235, 263, 271, 285, 290, 293, 399,
453, 464, 465, 486, 498, 499, 547, 564, 571, 573, 586, 588, 606, 705, 758, 883, 899, 961
Charles VI, 73, 159, 183, 202–3, 208, 234, 263, 271, 286, 290, 293, 443, 477, 505, 558, 563,
564, 592, 641, 652, 685, 705, 859, 942
mental illness of, 202, 272, 477, 563, 564, 592, 610, 730
Charles VII, 63, 67, 139, 203, 208, 212, 218, 223, 242, 246, 280, 283, 382, 443, 454, 466,491,
505, 513, 524, 540, 568, 571, 608, 633, 635, 686, 753, 779, 784, 789, 826, 827, 914, 917
Charles VIII, 44, 149, 203–4, 245, 515, 552, 568
Charles I of Anjou, 6, 42, 129, 199, 230, 474, 567, 588, 593, 727, 880
Charles II of Anjou, 43
Charles de Blois, 82, 149, 204, 436, 486, 729
Charles the Bold (duke of Burgundy), 151, 153, 156, 157, 207, 212, 213, 245, 352, 392, 561, 568,
617, 625, 639, 657
Charles the Good (count of Flanders), 187, 348, 381
Charles of Lorraine, 460
Charles IV of Luxembourg, 231
Charles de Montmorency, 634
Charles II the Bad (king of Navarre), 199–200, 201–2, 263, 328, 483, 499, 552, 573, 574, 705–6,
729, 746
Charles III of Navarre, 329
Charles d’Orléans, 66, 129, 132, 204–5, 267, 383, 455, 485, 685, 786, 801, 839
Charles of Provence, 177
Charles of Spain, 499
Charles of Valois, 88, 206, 230, 568, 592
Index 1900