Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

claret, 120
Claris et Laris, 74, 75
“Clarisses,” See Poor Clares
Claudianus Mamertus, 734
Claudius of Turin, 229
clausula, 229, 639, 674
clausura, 260
clavichord, 648
cleanliness, 604
Clemence (nun of Barking), 37
Clemence of Hungary, 567–68
Clement IV, 230
Clement V, 88, 89, 90, 164, 230, 231, 365, 457, 728, 902, 937
Clement VI, 87, 89, 230–31, 473, 606, 736, 756
Clement VII, 90, 202, 249, 564, 602, 859
Cleomadés (Adenet le Roi), 4, 8, 395, 813
Cleomadès et Clarmondine (Philippe Camus), 472
education of, 860
marriage of. See celibacy, clerical
reform of, 418
secular, 365, 446
as social order (estate), 324
taxation of, 231
Cleriadus et Meliadice, 231, 472
Clericis laicos (Boniface VIII), 88, 135, 230, 231, 291, 728
Clermont, Council of, 232, 278, 392, 605
Clermont-en-Auvergne, count of, 289
Clermont-Ferrand, 231–32, 545, 820
Cléry, 233
Cligés (Chrétien de Troyes), 36, 74, 75, 219, 220, 414, 687, 688, 812
climate, 233–34
Clisson, 234–35.
See also Olivier de Clisson
cloaks, 238
clocks, 108, 235, 375
clogs, wooden, 237
cloisonné technique, 319, 496, 612, 618
Clotar I, 217–18, 612, 615, 777, 882
Clotar II, 152, 175, 236, 370, 612, 662, 716
cloth manufacturing, 159, 350, 845, 986, 987
cloth trade, 348, 350, 607, 635, 904
clothing, costume, and fashion, 236–37, 740
clothing, Jewish, 237–39
Clotilde (queen of Clovis), 239, 699
Clovis I, 56, 83, 217, 239, 368, 369, 389, 447, 518, 612, 685, 698, 699, 749, 787, 852, 856, 874,
882, 915, 963–64
baptism of, 190, 787, 789
conversion of, 447, 749, 787
Clovis II, 286
clubs, as weapons, 68
Cluniac order, 157, 239–40, 296, 417, 601, 629, 725.

Index 1904
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