See also Cluny
Cluny, 83, 109, 118, 157, 240–42, 309, 460, 462, 547, 627, 629, 630, 682, 725, 979
Cluny II, 258, 815
Cluny III, 51, 258, 462, 696, 814, 820
coal, mining of, 622–23
coat, outer, 238
coat of arms, 510, 865.
See also arms (heraldic)
Cocherel, Battle of, 28, 186, 200, 202, 422
Codex aureus, 174
Codex Calixtinus. See Liber sancti Jacobi
Codi, 538
Codicile maistre Jehan de Meun, 488
Cœur, Jacques, 137, 140, 242–43, 892
cog (ship), 880
Cogitis me (Paschasius Radbertus), 709
cognizances, 445, 641
cognomen, 721.
See also arms (heraldic)
coinage, 201, 280, 281, 282, 623
Col, Gontier, 223, 773
Col, Pierre, 223
Coletta Boylet of Corbie, 985–86
Colin Muset, 243, 931
collation (meal), 604
Collations de Cassien (trans. Jean Golein), 399
Collectanea (Heiric of Auxerre), 439
Collectio Lanfranci (Lanfranc of Bec), 517
Collectio tripartia (Ivo of Chartres), 479
Collection in Seventy-four Titles (Collectio in LXXIV titulos digesta/Diversorum Patrum
Sententiae), 417, 517, 539
Collège de Montaigu, 90
Collège de Navarre, 328, 391, 493, 638, 664, 684, 705–6
College of Cardinals, 230, 417, 858, 859
Colmar, 243
Colombe, Jean, 244, 498, 584
coloni, 829
colors. See livery, badges, and colors
Columbanus (saint), 734, 754
Columbian (saint), 298
comedies, 80, 713, 906, 921
comes, 307, 592
comes marcae, 586
comites, 244
comitissa, 592–93
Commemoratio brevis de psalmis et tonis modulandis, 646
Commens d’amours, 799
Commentaries (Julius Caesar), 695
commentaries, biblical. See biblical commentaries
commentaries, liturgical. See liturgical commentators
Commentarius in Canones Avicennae (Jacques Despars), 607
Commentary on the Psalms (Gregory of Tours), 419
Index 1905