Commentary on the Sententiae of Peter Lombard (Hugues de Saint-Cher), 463
Commentary on the Timaeus (Calcidius), 744
commerce, 279, 335, 348, 350, 369, 610, 774, 919, 933.
See also merchants;
Commonitorium (Vincent of Lérins), 961
commune, 244–45
Communion (chant), 600
communion, holy. See eucharist
community franchises, 580
Commynes, Philippe de, 130, 245–46, 454, 559
Compagnies d’ordonnance, 145, 246, 827
compagnies joyeuses, 885
compass, 79
Compendium de Francorum origine et gestis (Robert Gaguin), 380
Compendium historiae in genealogia Christi (Peter of Poitiers), 724
Compendium morale de re publica (Raoul de Presles), 758
Compendium musicae practicae (Jehan des Murs), 495
Compilatio praesens (Peter of Poitiers), 724
complainte, 743, 753.
See also planh
Complainte de France (Charles d’Orléans), 205
Complainte de Guillaume (Rutebeuf), 831
Complainte d’Outremer (Rutebeuf), 831
Complainte Rutebeuf (Rutebeuf), 830
Complainte sur la mort d’Ysabeau de Bourbon (Pierre Michault), 616
complant, 246
Complexus effectuum musices (Johannes Tinctoris), 912
Compline, 164, 299, 327
comportment, and courtesy books, 265
minor (14th century), 246–47
minor (15th century), 247–49
See also under specific composers
composition, 862.
See also ars dictaminis
compositional techniques, 307, 455–56
Compostela. See Santiago de Compostela
computus, 249, 555, 732
comte d’Artois, Roman du, 249
comte de Poitiers, Roman du, 249, 782
Comtessa de Dia, 927
Conan I, 796
Conan IV, 442
Conception (Marian feast day), 596
Conception (Arnoul Greban), 711
Conception Nostre Dame (Wace), 53, 969
Conciliar Movement and conciliarism, 90, 249–51, 382, 391, 444, 681, 859
Concord of Discordant Canons (Gratian). See Decretrum
concordances, 302, 462–63, 548
Concordantia (Hugues de Saint-Cher), 463
Concordat of Amboise, 251–52
Index 1906