Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Corpus/Collectio Toletanum, 60
Correctoria (Hugues de Saint-Cher), 462
Corset (Robert de Gretham), 805
coruada, 263
corvée, 263, 868, 876.
See also forced labor
cosmetic treatments, 606
Cosmographia (Bernard Silvestris), 113, 546, 735
cosmology, 863
costumes, used in plays, 887.
See also clothing, costume, and fashion
cotton, 237, 903
Coucy, 263–64
Coucy, Châtelain de, 132, 264, 783, 931
Coudrette, 71
Council of Aix-la-Chapelle, 862, 942
Council of Arles, 558
Council of Chalon, 628
Council of Clermont, 232, 278, 392, 605
Council of Constance, 250, 286, 365, 382, 391, 859
Council of Ferrara-Florence, 251
Council of Ingelheim, 463
Council of Langres, 321
Council of Lyon, 107, 474
Council of Oxford, 38
Council of Paris, 709
Council of Pavia-Siena, 250
Council of Pisa, 90, 250, 271, 286, 391, 858, 859
Council of Reims, 112, 328, 393
Council of Rome, 286
Council of Sens, 112, 290, 449
Council of Toulouse, 475
Council of Tours, 371, 475, 678, 754
Council of Troyes, 902
Council of Vaison, 734
Council of Valence, 321
Council of Vienne, 88, 107, 230, 394, 902, 954
church, 255, 605, 736
ecumenical, 907
feudal, 324
general, 249, 444, 896, 907
king’s, 826, 925
peace, 85, 714
See also under specific councils
count/county, 175, 198, 228, 244, 264–65, 592, 666.
See also comites
counterfeiting, 179
countess. See count/county
counties. See count/county
Cour des Aides, 190, 389, 505, 827.
See also généraux

Index 1909
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