Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Cruelle femme en amours (Achille Caulier), 773
Crusade Cycle, 274–75, 453, 525
crusade songs, 275, 468, 930, 932
crusader art and architecture, 275–77
crusades, 144, 219, 277–80, 380, 448, 475, 496, 685, 742, 749, 880, 902, 909
Albigensian. See Albigensian Crusade
First Crusade (1095–99), 100, 131, 165, 232, 274, 278, 328, 361, 392, 397, 423, 424, 452, 472,
670, 672, 749, 801, 802, 809, 841
Second Crusade (1147–49), 70, 112, 165, 168, 190, 274, 278, 316, 485, 682, 781, 989
Third Crusade (1180–92), 279, 132, 165, 192, 253, 393, 396, 431, 453, 607, 732, 798, 902, 951
Fourth Crusade (1202–04), 192, 253, 279, 453, 474, 778, 804, 957
Fifth Crusade (1217–21), 805
of Nicopolis, 500, 664, 730
crusades, cultural influence of:
on art and architecture, 275–77
on clothing and fashion, 237
on literature, 208, 274–75, 453, 830
on musical instruments, 647
on religion, 172, 417, 472, 520, 620, 854
on songs, 275, 468, 930, 932
cult (of saints), 146, 182, 229, 423, 433, 501, 543, 588, 594, 595, 739, 742, 851–55
Cumpoz (Philippe de Thaün), 35, 249, 732
Cunault, 280
cupbearer, 312
cupping, 606
Cur Deus homo (Anselm of Bec), 45
Cur Deus homo (William of Auvergne), 976
cura monialium, 985
cures, nonmedical, 524, 740, 852
curia, papal, 89, 90, 134–35, 164, 230–31, 249–51, 941–42
curia regis, 255, 280 , 825, 826
Curial (Alain Chartier), 3, 209
currency, 202, 280–82
Cursor mundi, 724
customaries, monastic. See monastic rules and customaries
customary law, 103, 532, 534, 538, 732, 760
customs duties, 282
custumals, 282–83
Cuvelier, 73, 247, 283, 454
Cuvier, 338
cycles. See under specific cycles
cyclic Mass, 283–84
cytolle (musical instrument), 648
Da’at Zeqenim, 125
dagger, 68
Dagobert, Pseudocycle of, 285–86
Dagobert I, 236, 285, 286, 292, 354, 612, 662, 699, 742, 836
D’Ailly, Pierre, 250, 286, 391, 681, 736, 859
Dalalat al-Har’irin (Maimonides), 579
dalmatic (ecclesiastical vestment), 950
Dalon, Cistercian abbey of, 113, 117
Dame a la Lycorne, Roman de la, 286–87

Index 1911
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