Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

and Dominican order, 301
and Gregorian reform, 417
and hagiography, 436
hymns of, 469
influence on art and architecture, 608–9
and Innocent III, 755
and Jacques de Vitry, 484
as “mendicant order,” 462
and millennialism, 620
and monasticism, 631
and mysticism, 654
Observants, 365
orthodox and heretical sects, 448
participation in Inquisition, 419, 449
and Poor Clares, 676
Spirituals, 47, 88–89, 365, 446, 447, 463, 621, 659, 681
and vow of poverty, 609, 908
and William of Ockham, 681
Franco-Burgundian treaty, 71, 145, 466
Franco-Italian literature, 366–68, 586, 809
Franco of Cologne, 72, 366 , 484, 495, 644, 650
“Franco-Provençal” language, 25, 395, 587, 678
Franco-Roman Mass, 330
François II (Duke of Brittany), 149, 368–69, 614, 658
Frankfurt, Council of, 198
Franks, 368–69
assimilation of Roman Mass, 330
brideprice replaced by dowry, 304
Chilperic I as king of, 217
criminal justice system, 272–73
kingdom of, 369
Louis I the Pious as king of, 564
Ripuarian, 369
St. Denis as patron of, 321
Salian, 369, 612
fraud, commercial, 369
Frechulf of Lisieux, 451
Fredegar, 369–70, 451
Fredegunde, 152, 217, 236, 370
Fredelon, 518, 840, 913
Frederick I Barbarossa, 279
Frederick II (emperor), 230, 418–19, 673
fredus, 244, 370
Free Spirit (heretical sect), 107
Fréjus, 370
French language, 370–74
and development of pastourelle, 712
as liturgical language, 555
Middle French, 185, 371, 373–74, 525, 958
morphology of, 373
Old French, 370–74
and Apocryphal literature, 53

Index 1929
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