in development of French language, 371
interference with north Italian dialects, 366
prayers in, 753
spoken in Languedoil, 521
texts, 80, 326, 346, 379, 451, 525, 588
Frequens, 250, 859
Frére Denise (Rutebeuf), 830
Fresne (Marie de France), 589, 783
Fréteval, Battle of, 168
fringes, worn by Jews, 238
Froissart, Jean, 374–77
and Burgundian chroniclers, 153
Chandos Herald as source for, 195
Chroniques, 375, 454
and courtly love, 267
discussion of sotte chanson, 884
dits amoureux of, 298
and Énéas, 962
and formes fixes, 361
as historian, 490
influence of Guillaume de Machaut on, 574
influenced by Roman de la Rose, 822
and John, duke of Berry, 608
L’orloge amoureus, 235
Méliador, 74, 375, 376, 812
poems cited in poetic treatises, 77
praise for Oton de Granson, 413
subsidized by Gui II de Châtillon, 132
fruits, in diet and nutrition, 295
Fründ, Johann, 981
frying, in cooking, 261
Fuerre de Gadres (Eustache), 25
Fulbert of Chartres, 110, 131, 190, 210, 340, 344, 377, 390, 814, 830, 861
Fulco, 452
fulling, 903
Fulrad, abbot of Saint-Denis, 303
fumigations, and necromancy, 661
funeral laments, 743
furta sacra. See relics, theft and translation of
fustaine (fabric), 237
gab, 379 , 381
gabelle, 190, 280, 318, 379, 826.
See also salt tax
Gace Bruté, 132, 264, 379–80, 384, 931
Gace de la Buigne, 380
gage, 380
Gaguin, Robert, 380–81, 921
Gaidon, 508, 659
Gaimar. See Geffrei Gaimar
Galbert de Bruges, 340, 381, 456
Galen, 606
Index 1930