Gemma animae (Honorius of Autun), 553
gems, 576, 577, 687, 732, 880.
See also jewelry
gender. See family and gender; women
general councils of the church, 249, 444, 896, 907.
See also under specific councils
généraux, 389 , 827
Genèse (Evrat), 127
Geneviève (saint), 292, 389, 742, 742, 833–34, 836
Gens nouveaux qui mangent le monde et le loge de mal en pire, 338, 885
Geoffrey of Monmouth, 35, 74, 388, 399
Geoffroi (counts), 389–90
Geoffroi (son of Henry II), 316, 442
Geoffroi I Grisgonelle, 389
Geoffroi III le Barbu, 40, 362, 390
Geoffroi IV Plantagenêt (of Anjou), 40, 42, 362, 390, 442, 602, 670
Geoffroi de Beaulieu, 453
Geoffroi de Coulon, 452
Geoffroi de Paris, 53, 127, 340, 453
Geoffroi de Vinsauf, 488, 949
Geoffroi Martel, 40, 362, 389, 441
geography, 472, 863, 880
geometrica, 642
geometry, 258, 313, 544, 546, 863
Georgics (Virgil), 962
Gerald of Aurillac, 85, 435, 682
Gérard d’Abbeville, 799
Gérard d’Alsace, 657
Gerard of Cremona, 863
Gérard David, 151
Gérard de Guildre, 162
Gérard de Montaigu, 632, 926
Gérard de Nevers, 395
Géraud de Frachet, 411, 453
Gerberge, 563
Gerbert of Aurillac, 58, 59, 79, 190, 377, 390, 460, 546, 547, 563, 644, 735, 861.
See also Sylvester II
Gerbert de Metz, 562
Gerbert de Montreuil, 249, 390, 410, 717, 782, 927
Germanus of Auxerre, 434
Germanus of Paris, 330, 382
Germigny-des-Prés, 173, 391, 685
Gerson, Jean, 391–92
and conciliar movement, 250, 382
ban on works of Ramon Lull, 61
De erroribus circa artem magican, 661
friendship with Pierre D’Ailly, 286
as gifted preacher, 756
and Great Schism, 859
influenced by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, 768
and mysticism, 655
and quarrel of the Roman de la Rose, 773, 774
Index 1932