Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

grail and grail romances, 219, 390, 409–10, 716, 720, 763, 764, 803, 883
grain, 359, 621
grammar, 313, 544, 545, 735, 862, 863.
See also liberal arts
grand aumosnier de France, 82
grand chambellan, 188
Grand’Chambre, 708
Grand coutumier de France (Jacques d’Ableiges), 283, 304
Grand coutumier de Normandie, 282–83, 532
Grand Master of France, 411
Grand Procession of Lille, 762
Grande Chartreuse, La, 153, 179, 290
Grandes chroniques de France, 15, 129, 285, 293, 411, 430, 453, 768, 838
Grandes Heures, 135, 498, 595
Grandmont, order of, 551, 631
Grands Rhétoriqueurs, 272, 411–12, 485, 743, 949
Grandson, Battle of, 412
grange, 412–13
Granson, Oton de, 293, 383, 413, 485, 574
Grant mal fist Adam, 877
grapes, 980
Gratian, 164, 250, 413, 467, 531–32
great antiphons, 677.
See also antiphon; O antiphons
Great Schism. See Schism, Great
Greban, Arnoul, 413, 616, 711, 906
Greban, Simon, 414, 455, 906
Greco-Byzantine romance, 414, 427
Greek language, 321, 555, 863
Gregorian chant, 414–16, 478, 546, 600, 649
Gregorian decretals, 164, 474.
See also Liber extra
Gregorian Reform, 278, 416–18, 448, 479, 620, 787, 802, 880
Gregorian Sacramentary, 553
Gregory VI, 418
Gregory VII, 416, 417, 418, 448, 539, 553, 580, 672
Gregory IX, 24, 63, 107, 164, 301, 365, 418–19, 484, 697, 730, 938, 976
Gregory X, 230
Gregory XI, 90, 859
Gregory XII, 250, 391, 859
Gregory of Nyssa, 321, 653, 735
Gregory of Tours, 419–20, 611
and anti-Semitism, 50
and bells, 108
and Brittannia Minor, 146
condemnation of Chilperic I, 217
role in preserving classical tradition, 734
writings on Clovis I, 239
and “False Christ” of Bourges, 446, 620
account of Fredegunde, 370
account of Gallican rite, 382
reference to Gloriosae, 292

Index 1935
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