Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

herbs, 261, 295, 576, 577, 605, 970
Hercules, depicted on tapestries, 538
herds, seasonal migration of, 919
hereditary castles, 551
Herenc, Baudet, 77, 445–46, 485, 773, 949
heresy, 447–49
and Albi, 20
apostolic, 446–47
of Berengar of Tours, 539
of Cathars, 182, 357, 448, 520, 566, 940
crusades against, 277–80, 475
and Dominican preachers, 301
efforts of Jean Gerson to eradicate, 391
execution as punishment for, 273, 326, 447, 802
in Flanders, 475
and Franciscan order, 89, 365, 474
of Gilbert of Poitiers, 328
identified by Council of Pisa, 250
investigated by Inquisition, 357, 475
of Jeanne d’Arc, 466, 491
of Knights Templar, 902
learned, compared to popular
heresies, 449
linked to sodomy, 457
of Marguerite Porete, 588
opposed by Gregory IX, 419
outbreak in Orléans, 685, 802
at Pamiers, 354
popular, compared to learned heresies, 449
Siger de Brabant indicted for, 881
of Spiritual Franciscans, 89
and Statutes of Pamiers, 696
of Waldenses, 971
by women, 300
writings of Peter the Venerable against, 726
Heri mundus (Adam of Saint-Victor), 6
Heristal, 449–50
Herman de Valenciennes, 53, 127
hermits, 81, 436, 446, 628, 630, 749, 755, 802, 828
Hernaut de Beaulande, 381
Heroides (Ovid), 687, 839, 921
Herrings, Battle of the, 513, 686
Hervis de Metz, 562
Hesdin, Simon de, 922
Heures de Bruxelles, 498
Heures de Catherine de Clèves, 135
Heures de contemplation de Notre Dame (Christine de Pizan), 223
Heures d’Étienne Chevalier (Jean Fouquet), 363
Heures de Jeanne d’Évreux, 584, 769
Heures de Louis de Laval, 244
hexachord, 416
Hexaemeron (Peter Abélard), 2

Index 1941
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