See also royal household
Houdan, 459
Hours of Notre-Dame, 420
Hours of the Cross, 584
Hours of the Virgin, 584, 595
noble, 604, 877
officials of, 194–95, 603, 870, 877, 924
royal, 194–95, 363, 411, 459, 532, 603, 826, 870
supervision of, 608
Hucbald of Saint-Amand, 459, 643
Hue de Rotelande, 36, 414, 460, 472, 649, 812
Hugh of Amiens, 460–61
Hugh of Avranches, 388
Hugh Capet, 165, 178, 293, 389, 390, 460, 463, 563, 662, 674, 699, 870
Hugh of Fosses, Statutes, 757
Hugh (Primas) of Orléans, 527
Hugh of Saint-Victor, 122, 229, 387, 398, 430, 461–62, 479, 530, 544, 546, 576, 644, 653, 654,
722, 724, 735, 768, 770, 806, 849, 863, 969
Hugh (Henry) of Saltrey, 589
Hugo van de Goes, 151
Hugo de Lantins, 248
Hugues l’Abbé, 327
Hugues de Berzé, 462
Hugues de Cluny, 241, 416–17, 462
Hugues de Die, 418
Hugues de Fleury, 602
Hugues le Grand, 155, 463–64, 563, 662, 781
Hugues Libergier, 464, 789
Hugues, lords of Lusignan, 570
Hugues d’Oignies, 463
Hugues de Saint-Cher, 122, 134, 302, 462–63, 473, 554, 955
Hugues de Tolins, 154
Hugues Capet, 525
Humbert II, 290
Humbert of Silva Candida, 539, 553
Humiliati, 446, 484, 755
humor, 513.
See also comedies;
humors, balance of, 610
Hundred Years’ War, 464–66
and Aquitaine, 316
battles of. See under locations of specific battles
besiegement of Calais, 162
and Bourges, 140
and Burgundian dukes, 156, 561
chronicles of, 375, 490
claim of Edward III to throne as subtheme of, 315, 464
and Clement VI, 89, 231
damage to Champagne, 193
decimation of Cahors, 161
Index 1944