held for rent under baux à cens, 614
hereditary rights to, 614
improvement of, 246
leasing of, 756
men tied to by taxes, 829
as payment for labor, 829
reclamation of, 56, 246, 291, 348
as regalia of the church, 785
and tripartite division of society, 828
landed fief, 345
Landois, Pierre, 368
Landri de Waben, 127
Lanfranc of Bec, 110, 517, 735, 908
Lanfranc of Milan, 45, 479, 606
Langres, 517–18
Langres, Council of, 321
Langue d’oc, 371, 518, 521.
See also Languedoc
Langue d’oil, 371, 493, 662
See also Languedoil
Languedoc, 518–21
and Clement IV, 230
and customs duties, 282
dialect of, 678
Foix as important independent fief of, 354
formation of, 400
judicial officers in, 503
juge mage in, 503
laws of, 520
map of, 519
and Mediterranean trade, 607
and Narbonne, 659
physiognomy of, 520
raided by Edward, the Black Prince, 315
Toulouse as principal metropolis of, 913
Languedoil, 389, 521, 662
lanterns, ivory, 480
Lanval (Marie de France), 389, 457, 589
Laon, 521–23
cathedral of, 46, 229, 400, 401, 596, 890
school of, 46, 321, 386, 460, 545, 861, 874
lapidary, 523–24, 580, 584, 587, 733
Alphabetical, 733
Apocalyptic, 733
Larchant, 524
Lassay, 524–25
Last Judgment (Rogier van der Weyden), 105
Last Supper, 556
late epic, 525–26
Lateran Councils:
First Lateran Council, 416
Index 1957