Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

life expectancy, 752
Life of Francis (Bonaventure), 134
Life of Louis the Pious (the Astronomer), 429
Life of St. Alban (Matthew Paris), 37
Life of St. Edmund of Abingdon (Matthew Paris), 37
Life of St. Edmund the King (Denis Piramus), 37
Life of St. Edward (Matthew Paris), 37
Life of Saint Mary Magdalene and of Her Sister Saint Martha (Rabanus Maurus), 777
Life of the Fathers (Gregory of Tours), 419, 434, 852
Life of Thomas Becket (Beneit of Saint-Albans), 37
Ligue du Bien Publique, 634
Ligugé, 595
Lilium Medicine (Bernard de Gordon), 606
Lille, 451, 455
Limbourg brothers, 244, 408, 498, 549–50, 584, 608, 858
Limoges, 7, 301, 315, 319, 496, 550, 594, 740, 819
Limousin, 230, 304, 550–51, 678
lineage and inheritance, 551, 876
linen industry, 350, 903, 905.
See also textiles
Lion de Bourges, 104, 196, 525, 579, 926
Lisieux, 551–52
lit de justice, 552–53
Little Office of the Virgin, 135, 299, 597
liturgical books, 163, 553
liturgical calendars, 851.
See also calendars
liturgical ceremonies, 430, 468
liturgical commentators, 487, 553–54
liturgical drama, 252, 320, 554, 557, 623, 875, 905
liturgical hymns, 535
liturgical languages, 554–55
liturgical music, 550, 797
liturgical plays. See liturgical drama
liturgical poetry, 31, 398, 497, 797, 875
liturgical polyphony, 674, 720
liturgical texts, 596
liturgical utensils, 550
liturgical year, 555–58
liturgy, 28, 109, 240, 298, 381, 414, 595, 643, 762, 777.
See also Divine Office
Liutger, 457
livery, badges, and colors, 558, 641, 740
Lives of the Desert Fathers, 436, 437, 627
livre (weight), 974
livre esterlin, 974
livre parisis, 281
livre poids de marc, 974
livre tournois, 281, 917
Livre a un sien ami en forme de plait (Philippe de Novare), 732
Livre contre tout péché (Charles d’Orléans), 205
Livre de bonnes meurs (Jacques Legrand), 539

Index 1961
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