at cathedral school at Laon, 861
in education, 545
and Gerbert of Aurillac, 390, 735, 861
influence of Aristotle, 862
influence of Boethius, 133, 862
influence of Porphyry, 862
as one of Seven Liberal Arts, 313, 544
as part of “science,” 863
relation to theology, 735
Lohier et Mallart, 399
longbow, 260, 272, 315, 464, 466
Longchamp, convent at, 260
Longpont, 559–60
longships, 956
looms, 900, 903
Loqueville, Richard, 248
and curia regis, 280
homage from vassals, 456
marriage prohibited outside, 876
See also seigneur/seigneurie
Lorenzo della Valle, 303, 331
Lorraine, 83, 243, 560–61, 561, 563, 657
Lorraine Cycle, 196, 561–62
Lorraine dialect, 472
Lorsch Gospels, 174
Lotario dei Seigni, 473.
See also Innocent III
Lothair (954–86), 178
Lothair I (795–855), 83, 176, 200, 316, 420, 562–63, 564–65
Lothair I (941–86), 463, 563
Lothair II, 177
Lotharingia, 560, 616.
See also Lorraine
Louenge des roys de France (André de La Vigne), 515
Louis (Frankish and German emperors)
Louis I the Pious, 451, 564–65, 616
and Claudius of Turin, 229
coronation of, 198, 262, 787
division of Frankish kingdom, 368
and Einhard, 316
and Hincmar of Reims, 450
integration of Brittany into Carolingian empire, 146
and Jonas of Orléans, 501
and monastery of Inde, 628
promulgation of Ordinatio imperii, 562
reign of, 176, 198
sons of, 200–1, 368, 562–63
and texts of Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, 292, 321, 450, 547
Louis II, 177, 562
Louis (Frankish kings and kings of France):
Louis III, 399
Index 1963