Maine, 976
Mainet, 395, 507
mainmorte, 579–80, 876.
See also lineage and inheritance
Mainz, synod at, 409, 450
Maiolus of Cluny, 682, 886, 979
Maistre Mimin, 338
maître de l’hôtel du roi, 459
maître des comptes, 632
maîtres des requétes, 796, 826
major domus, 603, 716.
See also mayor of the palace
mal des ardents, 610
mal St. Eloi epilepsy, 297
mal St. Jean epilepsy, 297
maladreries, 541
Malmad Ha Talmidim (Jacob ben Abba Mari Anatoli), 125
man-at-arms, 246
Mandatum, 556
Mandeville, Jean de, 580, 687
Manegold of Lautenbach, 580–81, 977
Manekine (Philippe de Beaumanoir), 53, 103, 104, 289, 579, 783
Manessier, 410
Manessier Continuation, 717, 718
Manfred, 230
maniple (ecclesiastical vestment), 950
manor, definition of, 581
manorialism, 11, 343, 531, 829
manse, 581
Mansion, Colard, 581, 921
manteau, 236
Mantes, 401, 581–82, 890
Mantes, Treaty of, 200, 328
mantle, 236
manual labor, 446, 757
Manuel de péchés, 38, 975
manumission, 9–10, 877
manuscripts, 691–695
Hebrew illuminated, 582–83
production and illumination of, 244, 363, 407, 583–84, 596, 611, 695, 789
translation into French, 695
transcription of, 695
types of, 583
See also paleography and manuscripts
Mappemonde (Pierre de Beauvais), 737
Marbach, 580
Marbode of Rennes, 457, 524, 526, 576, 584–85, 796, 929
Marcabru, 186, 275, 585, 712, 881, 930
Marcadé, Eustache, 413, 585, 711, 906
Marcel, Étienne, 285, 483, 585–86, 705
march, 586, 592.
See also specific marches
Index 1968