Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Fresne, 783
Guigemar, 687
Lais, 36
Lanval 457
Marie de Luxembourg, 201
Marie d’Oignies, 436, 484, 569, 591, 985
Marie Robine, 983
Marie of Valenciennes, 986
Marigny, Enguerran de, 206, 313, 493, 568, 592, 661, 728
mark of Troyes, 281
markets, 244, 279, 359.
See also fairs and markets
Marmousets, 91, 202, 234, 255, 271, 329, 389, 592, 608, 632, 730, 883
Marmoutier, 27, 595, 630
Marques de Rome, Roman de, 878
marquess, 586
marquis/marquisate, 586, 592–93
age of, 476, 752
between serfs and free persons, 360
clandestine, 593
clerical. See celibacy, clerical
and consanguinity, 255
contracts, 119, 531
as feudal incident, 343
importance of in establishing alliances, 551
law of, 479
as means of social mobility, 828
Menagier de Paris as manual for, 608
portrayed in literature, 338, 775–76
restrictions on, 343, 876
role of dowry, 119, 304–5, 551
taxation of, 580
validity of, 593
Marseille, 180, 301, 593, 607, 743
marshal, 593–94
Marsilius of Inghen, 735
Marsilius of Padua, 89, 249, 447
Martial (saint), 740, 854
Martial d’Auvergne. See Auvergne, Martial d’
Martial of Limoges, 7, 594
Martianus Capella, 113, 459, 544, 545, 546, 594–95, 793
Martin V, 250, 286, 306, 365, 391, 859
Martin of Braga, 614.
See also Pseudo-Seneca
Martin Hiberniensis, 861
Martin of Tours, 146, 434, 595, 627, 740, 749, 852, 917
Martini, Johannes, 284
Martyrologium Hieronymianum, 851
martyrs and martyrologies, 739, 851, 854
Marxism, and feudalism, 343
Mary, Virgin:

Index 1970
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