Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

nota (dance), 289
Nota Emilianense, 216, 428
Notables déclaratifs sur le Guidon (Jean Falco), 607
notaries, 179, 520, 531, 673, 899.
See also tabellions
notation (musical):
alphabetic, 643
Ars Nova, 72, 650
Franconian, 650
modal, 650
neumatic, 643
Petronian, 650
rhythmic, 645
square, 649, 650
Notitia artis musice. See Ars nova musice
Notker of Saint-Gall, 451, 875
Notre-Dame school, 673–74
and Anonymous 4, 44
and Ars Antiqua movement, 72, 703
and conductus, 252
earliest use of hockets, 456
and Maurice de Sully, 603, 673
modal rhythm as primary innovation for, 540
organa, 165, 674, 684
and origin of motet, 639
and polyphony, 229, 497, 540, 673, 674
rhythmic patterns in music of, 674, 797
Notulae (Hugh of Saint-Victor), 461
Nova musica (Johannes Ciconia), 225, 645
Nova religio milicie Passion is Jhesu Christi pro acquisicione sancte civitatis Jherusalem et Terre
Sancte (Philippe de Mézières), 616
Nova vobis gaudia (Nicolas Grenon), 667
novas, 674
Novele chirurgie, 607
Novus Aesopus (Alexander Neckham), 25, 331
Noyon, 400, 674–75
nuns and nunneries, 260, 301, 628, 675–76
nutrition. See diet and nutrition
nuts, as food, 295
O antiphons, 578, 677.
See also antiphons
oaths, 234, 340
Oaths of Strasbourg, 177, 371
oats, 234
obole (unit of weight), 974
Obrecht, Jacob, 284, 456
Observants. See Franciscan order, Observants
obstetrics, 880.
See also children
Obstination des Suisses (Pierre Gringore), 420
Occitan language, 132, 265, 275, 290, 294, 346, 347, 371, 424, 485, 542, 601, 637, 677–80, 712,
743, 809, 881, 887, 929

Index 1982
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