occult virtues, 576
oceanography, 863
Ockeghem, Johannes, 128, 129, 157, 248, 284, 306, 456, 650, 680–81
Ockham, William of, 89, 249, 286, 394, 444, 447, 681–82
Octave of Christmas, 557, 597.
See also liturgical year
Octavien, 354
Oddo Colonna, 250.
See also Martin V
Odilo (saint), 240, 377, 416, 682, 886
Odo (duke of Aquitaine), 56
Odo (son of Fredelon), 840
Odo of Cambrai, 554
Odo of Cluny, 85, 240, 435, 682, 793
Odo of Deuil, 682
Odo of Marmoutier, Gesta consulum Andegavensium, 452
Odo Rigaldus, 134
Odoranus of Sens, 452, 643
Offertory, 600
Office of the Dead, 135, 299, 584, 753
Office of the Virgin, 597
Officium pastorum, 554
Officium stellae, 554
Ogier le Danois, 467, 508, 525, 686–87.
See also Chevalerie Ogier
oil, 621
ointments, 606
Oiseuses (Philippe de Beaumanoir), 796
Old French. See French language, Old French
“Old Roman” chant, 414
olives, 234
Olivier I de Clisson, 234
Olivier II de Clisson, 234
Olivier III de Clisson, 234
Olivier IV de Clisson, 234
alliance with Bertrand du Guesclin, 422, 465
and battle of Auray, 82, 234
and Charles V the Wise, 202
as constable of France, 256, 486
councilor to Charles VI, 202, 234
feud with Jean IV, 234, 486
as leader of the Marmousets, 91, 234, 592
marriage to Béatrix, 234, 531
and Penthiève claim, 149, 235
and Pierre de Craon, 271
and Rohan family, 808
supported by Enguerrand VII, 263
Oloron-Sainte-Marie, 682–83
On Interpretation (Aristotle), 63, 861
On the Division of Nature. See Periphyseon
On the Office of the Church (Gregory of Tours), 419
once (unit of weight), 974
Index 1983