fame of, 704
and Great Schism, 859
influence of Dominicans, 302, 608–9
influence of Franciscans, 364, 608–9
incorporation of, 703
independence of, 938
learned heresies at, 449
and music theory, 644
and subtraction of obedience, 896
works of Aristotle prohibited at, 290, 805
Paris Bible, 127
Paris et Vienne (Pierre de la Cepede), 513
Parise la duchesse, 658–59
Parisiana poetria (Jean de Garlande), 488
Parlement d’Amour (Baudet Herenc), 445, 773
Parlement de Paris, 78, 707–8
court of the prévôt subordinate to, 758
and curia regis, 280
“election” as form of cooptation, 317
and establishment of judicial appeals, 533
influence of Roman and canon law in, 532
as judiciary of Paris, 704, 826
and lit de justice, 552
trials for treason, 925
Parlement of Languedoc, 914
parlements, expansion of, 945
parodies, 80, 738, 877, 884
Parthenay, 708
partimen, 903
Partonopeu de Blois, 414, 708, 812
Paschal II, 417
Paschal cycle, 555–56
Paschasius Radbertus, 262, 409, 451, 709, 908
Passe temps de Michault Taillevent (Michault Taillevent), 900
Passerose de beauté (Gaston Phoebus), 247
Passio sanctissimi Dionysii (Hilduin of Saint-Denis), 292, 450
Passion (Nicole Bozon), 38
Passion d’Arras, 711
Passion d’Autun, 710
Passion d’Auvergne, 711
Passion de Semur, 710
Passion de Valenciennes, 711
Passion des jongleurs, 709, 710, 905
Passion du Christ, 710, 833, 948
Passion du Palatinus, 710, 905
Passion of St. Lucia (Sigebert de Gembloux), 881
Passion of the Theban Martyr Legion (Sigebert de Gembloux), 881
passion plays, 454, 616, 638, 709, 710–12, 834, 887, 906
Passion Sainte-Geneviève, 710
Pastoralet, 477
pastorela. See pastourelle
pastoureaux, 131, 328, 621, 712, 713
Index 1987