Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Peter the Venerable, 725–26
and Bernard of Clairvaux, 240, 242
controversy between Cluniacs and Cistercians, 725
and Héloïse, 440
and Islam, 58, 60
as last great abbot of Cluny, 242
letters of, 440, 547
and miracle stories, 436
and Peter Abélard, 2
and Peter of Poitiers, 724
works of:
Adversos Judaeorum inveteratum duritiem, 726
Epistola de translatione sua, 726
Tractatus adversos
Petrobrusianos haereticos, 722, 726
Petit plet (Chardri), 38
Petit Thalamus de Montpellier, 453
Petit traictié sur le fait du nombre de la déclairacion des vaynes qui sont assises sur le corps de la
personne (Jean le Lièvre), 607
Petit traitise de nurture, 266
Petites Heures, 498, 549
Petrarch, 116, 231, 307, 535
Petrobrusians, 722, 726.
See also Peter de Bruys
Petronian notation, 738
Petronian triplum, 640
Petronilla. See Alix
Petrus Alfonsus, 329
Petrus Peregrinus, 79
Petrus Pictor, 554
pewter, 622
Phaedo (Plato), 743
Phaedrus, 331, 545
Pharsalia (Lucan), 921
Pheasant Banquet, 95, 154, 513, 617, 731
Philibert le Beau of Savoy, 150, 404
Philip (kings of France):
Philip I, 116, 117, 139, 165, 256, 441, 479, 565–66, 670, 726, 976
Philip II Augustus, 56, 70, 76, 139, 142, 165, 168, 213, 218, 232, 279, 325, 341, 345, 348, 430,
440, 468, 473, 497, 559, 566, 603, 670, 699, 703, 714, 725, 726–27, 732, 758, 798, 823
Philip III the Bold, 193, 199, 394, 411, 453, 533, 578, 588, 720, 727
Philip IV the Fair, 50, 78, 87, 88, 90, 135, 151, 166, 169, 230, 231, 269, 280, 282, 287, 308,
313, 314, 328, 350, 382, 394, 395, 457, 477, 492, 497, 533, 567–68, 578, 588, 592, 606, 635,
667, 727–28, 902, 909, 937, 942
Philip V the Tall, 89, 189, 206, 255, 492, 541, 728–29
Philip VI, 56, 162, 169, 199, 206, 230, 272, 281, 290, 492, 499, 563, 729–30, 943, 961
Philip the Bold (duke of Burgundy), 73, 153, 156, 200, 202, 223, 235, 255, 287, 296, 364, 377, 380,
407, 500, 547, 549, 563, 564, 571, 587, 592, 730, 882
Philip the Chancellor, 63, 252, 441, 730–31
Philip the Good (duke of Burgundy), 79, 95, 138, 153, 154, 156, 185, 207, 212, 296, 306, 392, 398,
438, 454, 535, 538, 547, 548, 571, 581, 607, 731, 965
Philipoctus de Caserta, 225

Index 1990
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