to Vézelay, 951
walking as mode of transportation, 924
pilgrimage-road churches, 232, 254, 258, 816
Pilgrim’s Guide, 543.
See also Liber sancti Jacobi
Pinot grape, 980
pins, and migrations art, 617
Piramus et Thisbé, 80, 128, 515, 688
Pisa, Council of, 90, 250, 271, 286, 391, 858, 859
pitch trade, of Vikings, 956
Placides et Timeo (Jehan Bonnet), 472, 494
plague, 130, 606, 607, 854, 918.
See also Black Death
Plaidoirie de la rose et de la violette (Jean Froissart), 376
Plaidoyé (Guillaume Coquillart), 261
Plaies du monde (Rutebeuf), 830
plainchant, 229, 307, 416, 650, 737, 684.
See also Gregorian chant
Plainte Nostre Dame, 754
planctus, 743
planh, 186, 743, 930
Plato, influence of, 49, 112, 121, 210, 459, 484, 546, 575, 579, 735, 743–44, 910, 977
based on saints’ lives, 455
comic, 98
and Confrérie de la Passion, 252
farces, 98, 337–38, 638, 713, 884, 906
morality, 98, 320, 638–39, 906.
See also morality plays
passion, 454, 616, 638, 709, 710–12, 834, 887, 906
and processional theater, 762
sotties, 98
Plectrude, 175
plows, 11–12, 234, 496, 924
pneumonic plague, 130
podatus, 649
Poeme moral, 877
Poeta Saxo, 451
poetic guilds, 931
Poire, Roman de la, 744
Poissance d’amours, 799
Poissy, 261, 744–45
Poitiers, 56, 157, 301, 424, 505, 745–46, 747, 890, 942
Poitiers, Battle of (732), 56, 58, 59, 175, 205, 206, 745
Poitiers, Battle of (1356), 57, 86, 207, 315, 323, 464, 499, 510, 586, 730, 746–47, 780, 945, 973
Poitou, 27, 315, 566, 747
Policraticus (John of Salisbury), 47, 500, 723
Politics (Aristotle), 63
polyphonic music, 72, 165, 229, 252, 306, 366, 421, 456, 497, 540, 555, 573, 575, 644, 646, 648,
649, 650, 651, 673, 684, 703
See also musica mensurata
Polyptich of Irminon, 476
Index 1993