Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

Polyptych of the Mystical Lamb (Van Eyck), 393
pommels, wraparound, 184
ponds, as source of income, 311
Ponthus et Sidoine, 472
Pontifical (liturgical book), 291, 330, 430, 553
Pontigny, 112, 157, 187, 227, 228, 747–48
Pontlevoy, Battle of, 362
Pontoise, 351, 748
poor, care of, 439, 458, 758.
See also poverty
Poor Clares, 260, 365, 676
popular culture, vs. elite culture, 356
popular devotion, 748–51
popular religion, 355
population and demography, 476, 510, 751–52
Porphyry, 744, 862
porridge, 261
ports et passages. See customs duties
Post beatam et gloriosam, 292
Posterior Analytics (Aristotle), 864
Postillae (Hugues de Saint-Cher), 302, 462
post-Vulgate romance, 752–53
potentes, 759
potier, 312
magic, 577
medical, 606
pottages, 261, 604
poulaine, 237
poultry, 261
pound (currency), 280
poursuivants du roi, 796
poverty, voluntary:
and Apologia pauperum, 134
of béguines, 106
of Dominican order, 301, 609
and Francis of Assisi, 364
of Franciscan order, 134, 609, 908
at Grandmont, 631
influence on art and architecture, 609
as part of vita apostolica, 446
of Premonstratensian order, 757, 758
as response to monied wealth, 755
of Waldenses, 971
of women, 984–85
power of attorney, 324
Practica geometriae (Hugh of Saint-Victor), 546
Practica officii Inquisitionis (Bernard Gui), 111
Praeceptum, 81, 787
Praeconium Paschale, 330
Praedicamenta (Aristotle). See Categories
Praepositinus of Cremona, 554, 724

Index 1994
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