Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, 140, 149, 203, 251, 382, 515, 753, 945
Praguerie, 63, 153, 308, 443, 568, 925.
See also Aristocratic Revolt
prandium, 604
prayers and devotional materials, 753–54
prayer books, 174.
See also book of hours
prayers for the dead, 109, 240
role in monasticism, 630
preaching, 754–56
against heresy, 365, 475
of Caesarius of Arles, 754
contributions of Hugues de Saint-Cher to, 462–63
of Dominic of Calaruega, 300
of Dominicans, 300–1
encouraged by Fourth Lateran Council, 474, 855
of Francis of Assisi, 364
of Franciscans, 365
handbook on by Guibert de Nogent, 423
of Hugh Capet, 461
monastic, 756
as part of vita apostolica, 446
by popular preachers, 749
of Robert d’Arbrissel, 802
of Stephen Langton, 894
use of exemplary stories in, 329, 436
use of Marian miracles in, 596
vernacular, 555, 855
and vulgarization of religious knowledge, 313
of Waldenses, 971
by wandering preachers, 436, 755, 757, 802
precaria, 756–57
predestination, theory of, 409, 781, 907–8, 961
prefabrication, as construction technique, 258
Premierfait, Laurent de, 116, 129, 185, 757, 922
Premonstratensian architecture, 143, 302, 757
Premonstratensian order, 301, 654, 749, 757
Prémontré, 81, 757–58, 787
Presles, Raoul de, 758
Prestre teint (Gautier Le Leu), 387
prévôt, 93, 192, 704, 758, 825, 826, 870
prévôt de Paris, 704, 758
prévôt des marchands, 585, 705.
See also Paris;
prévôt de Paris
prévôté. See prévôt
priests, chantry, 750
Prime (part of Divine Office), 164
primogeniture, 551, 666, 696
prince/principality, 667, 759
Prince (Georges Chastellain), 213
Prince des Sots et Mère Sotte (Gringore), 885
Index 1995