Medieval France. An Encyclopedia

(Darren Dugan) #1

psalmody, 298, 299
psalms, 298, 299, 340, 415, 584, 643, 753
psalter, 37, 126, 135, 174, 415, 584, 600, 753
Psalter and Hours of Yolande de Soissons, 609
Psalter of Blanche of Castile, 406
Psalter of Charlemagne, 643
Psalter Choir, 164
Psalter of Lambert de Bègue, 753
Psalter of St. Louis, 407, 584
psaltery (musical instrument), 648
Psautier des vilains (Michault Tailllevent), 900
Pseudo-Alcuin, 553
Pseudo-Alger of Liège, 554
Pseudo-Aristotle (Lambertus), 72
Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, 47, 134, 292, 321, 330, 450, 461, 547, 653, 654, 734, 744, 767–
68, 911
Pseudo-Hélie de Boron, 764
Pseudo-Hugh of Saint-Victor, 553
Pseudo-Jacquemart, 498
Pseudo-Luce del Gast, 64
Pseudo-Odo, 646
Pseudo-Robert de Boron, 752, 804, 812
Pseudo-Seneca, 614
Pseudo-Turpin, 129, 395, 411, 452, 507, 543, 544, 768–69, 809.
See also Liber sancti Jacobi
Pseudo-Wauchier Continuation, 717
Psychomachia (Prudentius), 174
Ptolemy, 546, 863
puberty, 217
Pucelle, Jean, 407, 610, 769–70
Puella Aurelianensi (Jean Gerson), 392
Pulloys, Johannes, 248, 770
punctum, 649, 650
punishment. See crime and punishment
“pure ones.” See cathari
Purgatory, 222, 295, 473, 569, 770–71, 970, 976
Purification (Marian feast day), 557, 596
purse, 237
puy, 164, 771, 931
puy d’amour, 77
Puy d’Arras, 931
Pythagoras, 545, 643
pyx (eucharistic vessel), 327, 480

quadrans novus. See “new quadrant”
quadrant (quadrans vetus), 79
“quadrant of Israel,” 79
Quadrilogue invectif (Alain Chartier), 3, 209
Quadrivium, 313, 544, 594, 642, 644, 863.
See also liberal arts
quaestio. See scholasticism
Quaestio de adoranda cruce (Einhard), 316

Index 1997
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