Raoul de Cambrai, 196, 562, 780, 784
rape, jurisdiction over, 94
Rashbam, 124
Rashi, 121, 124, 238, 497, 903, 933
Rationale divinorum officiorum (Guillaume Durand), 399, 430, 554
Ratramnus of Corbie, 409, 709, 781–82
Raymond d’Agiles, 392, 452
Raymond of Antioch, 316
Raymond of Béziers, 493
Raymond of Capua, 302
Raymond of Peñafort, 419
Raymond IV of Saint-Gilles, 840–41
Raymond V of Saint-Gilles, 841
Raymond III of Toulouse, 400
Raymond V of Toulouse, 113, 520
Raymond VI of Toulouse, 10, 22, 520, 642, 665, 841
Raymond VII of Toulouse, 27, 453, 521
Raymond-Berenguer V of Provence, 588
razos, 930.
See also vidas
Razos de trobar (Raimon Vidal de Besalu), 678, 949
Real Presence, doctrine of, 110, 327, 517, 781–82, 854, 908.
See also eucharist
realistic romances, 782–84
rebec (musical instrument), 648
Rebellious Vassal Cycle, 91, 117, 196, 395, 658, 774, 780, 784, 809
Réceptaire de Jean Sauvage. See Trésor des povrez
recipe collections, 295, 356, 608
reclamation of land, 56, 246, 291, 348
Reclus de Molliens, 543, 784
Réconfort a Madame de Fresne (Antoine de la Sale), 514
reconquest of France, 784–85
recorder (musical instrument), 648
Recouvrement de Normandie, 453
Recueil des histoires de Troie (Raoul Lefèvre), 538
recuit process, 496
Reductorium morale (Pierre Bersuire), 116
clerical, 418, 757
of Cluny, 240, 296, 417, 682
and conciliar movement, 249, 251
of Council of Constance, 859
ecclesiastical, 169
of Estates General, 586, 729
of Frankish church, 175
Gregorian, 278, 416–18, 448, 479, 620, 787, 802, 880
lay, 757
of Leo IX, 441, 539
of Marmousets, 202, 630
military, 800
monastic, 240, 341, 417, 565, 630, 757
of Premonstratensian order, 757
Index 1999